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Sept 18, 2023

      How refreshing it was to talk to another professional entering into the field of adult education in the medical field. My chat with Sharon, a fellow VCC PIDP student was an opportunity to find out more about the world of pharmacy technician education, and became a more broad conversation about the specifics of teaching adults in the medical field. We found that both programs have a mix of students right out of high school, students coming into the field as a career change, and more mature students who are looking to try something new. We discussed the intricacies of teaching in a field that is constantly progressing in its use of technology, and the challenge of engaging all types students, without leaving anyone behind in the process. We agreed that though initially this can be more challenging for the more mature students, the skill set that they bring in to the course is both unique and valuable. Sharon's course offers more in person training, compared to mine which is now heavily online, apart from the final practicum (which I am not a part of overseeing).  Sharon and I also discussed the changes in the MOA field and Pharmacy Tech field, and compared what the introduction of AI could mean to these professionals moving forward. Though both fields traditionally offer excellent job security, changes like automated registration, and AI pharmacy systems could pose an increased risk in the coming years as this technology continues to advance. .

        Talking to Sharon was inspiring and truly helpful, as we are both new to the world of teaching adult learners in the medical profession. It was a great reminder about the benefits of peer support, and finding allies to share the experience with, bounce new ideas off of, and generally debrief the process. It actually gave me a boost of confidence about my own teaching, to be able to chat with someone as intelligent and competent in their field, as Sharon seemed!

Comparing Notes:
A Chat With Sharon.


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