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Trends in Healthcare: Artificial Intelligence has Arrived. Now what?

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence officially breaking into the household lexicon in 2023, our reliance on technology will only continue to increase in all aspects of our society, and this includes the field of healthcare. But in a field that is built on sensitive and confidential information, how will the healthcare system maintain these crucial ethical standards, and where do current professionals fit with this rapidly changing technology?

In the Canadian Medical Protective Association's 2023 article, entitled "The Emergence of AI in Healthcare: Risk, Regulation, and a Measured Approach to Adoption", these very questions are explored. As with any large leap in technology in healthcare, ethical concerns must be explored and carefully considered. The article suggests that likely areas of healthcare that will see AI first include radiology, laboratory medicine, pathology and diagnostics in general, as well as areas requiring the collection of patient data, where they could have a direct impact on the speed and processing time of valuable, and potentially life saving information.

But whether it is a physician utilizing AI technology, or a Medical Office Assistant receiving a faxed report with patient test results, Crolla's (2023) article makes several important warnings to the professionals interacting with the technology. To paraphrase just a few of the suggestions; the technology should compliment the practice of the healthcare worker, not replace it, patient confidentiality and privacy must be upheld, and of course any interaction with AI technology should be in adherence with regulatory bodies standards of practice, for those healthcare workers who practice under a regulatory body (Crolla, 2023).

What I hope to convey to my future students, is that at this point, any information gathered by use of AI, requires human eyes, and the human touch. AI is not yet a replacement for the human being who can interpret and discuss sensitive information with care and consideration. Additionally, any interactions with AI must adhere to organizational policy, and the standards of practice set by governing bodies. The Canadian Medical Protective Associations last piece of advice in the article might just be the most poignant: to consult with colleagues when there is any lack of clarity about the information received by AI technology, and in regards to appropriate policy and procedures (Crolla, 2023).

Would you trust AI technology with your private medical information in a healthcare setting?

  • Yes, definitely

  • No way!

  • I need to learn more about it first


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